Monday, February 12, 2018

To the Banshee's Lonely Croon...

     "I want to show the world the most perfect thing it possesses.  Did you know you were the most perfect thing the world possessed?"
     ~Hans, Ondine

        Once Upon a Time, about two years ago I decided to create a short film based on a story I'd written in college titled Memoirs of a Banshee, in which a Bean Sidhe wrote what her daily routine was like as a harbinger of death.  It was the first time I'd actually tried to pitch a project to my talented friends, who all amazed and honored me with their enthusiastic responses, support, time and talent.  Above all was, Andy Jaworski, my sound engineer, my best friend and soulmate.  He composed melodies and reworked song lyrics, recorded dialogue and never, ever let me give up on myself.  Even when I fell into the mistakes of the amateur film maker and was at my wits end, having lost a whole days worth of footage and running out of time, Andy was a bulwark of patience and faith.  He suggested turning our work into a radio play to showcase what we'd been able to create and, while I still hope to put together a few film segments to showcase the talents and work of everyone who helped me bring Margaret O'Connor to life, I am showcasing our radio play here to honor him.

       Not long ago, our banshee called Andy home and I want to show the world the work of the most perfect thing it possessed.  Thank you for listening and may the road rise up to meet you...until we meet again.

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